Aromas a cereja e madeira torrada.
Fresco, sem explodir na boca. Não satura a língua. Cereja no inicio, cheio de groselha depois, sem açúcares, sem compotas. Totalmente tostado como é típico dos tintos desta região, parece linhaça dourada que se agarra aos dentes. Termina médio.
Classificação: ★★★☆☆
Aromas divided by cherry and toasted oak.
Fresh, but does explodes in the mouth cavity. Does not saturate. Some cherry in the beginning, berries after, without sugars, syrups and fruit jams. Full of toasted oak as it is typical from wines from this region, it glues to the teeth. Ends medium.
Ratting: ★★★☆☆
Aromas divided by cherry and toasted oak.
Fresh, but does explodes in the mouth cavity. Does not saturate. Some cherry in the beginning, berries after, without sugars, syrups and fruit jams. Full of toasted oak as it is typical from wines from this region, it glues to the teeth. Ends medium.
Ratting: ★★★☆☆